Far more than the sum of it’s parts, this precinct is set to change the face of Darwin’s CBD. Not only responding to the NT Government’s need for new office accomodation, Manunda Place will also deliver major upgrades to the Cavenagh, Knuckey and Litchfield street network including:

Responding to the needs of the Northern Territory’s requirement for a new contemporary work space, Manunda Place will make a significant contribution to reactivating the Darwin CBD.

Welcome to Manunda Place
A nine storey office tower flanked by activated retail tenancies
A new public car park in Litchfield Street together with a major public urban art installation on the car park façade.
Major upgrades to the Energy House Building located on Cavenagh Street, including façade upgrades, lobby upgrades and a new childcare facility.
Major upgrades to Litchfield Street, including increased landscaping and upgraded walkways.

Sandran owns, develops and manages a growing portfolio of well-appointed commercial, industrial and retail assets in prime locations across Australia. Privately owned, Sandran’s reputation has been established by being highly responsive to the needs of our tenants and honouring our word.
Sandran enjoys a long history of investing in the Northern Territory. As long term holders of our assets, we focus our efforts on meeting the needs of our tenants and sustaining long term relationships by providing quality services that exceed expectations.

Development Partner
In June 2017 the NT Government called for proposals (via a Request for Tender – RFT) from the private sector to deliver a new office building to house Government employees in the Darwin CBD. In February 2018, Sandran Property Group was successfully awarded the project and Manunda Place was born.
Manunda Place will revitalise a key section of the Darwin CBD, and provide a mixture of uses throughout the Cavenagh, Knuckey and Litchfield street network. The project will utilise local construction company Hutchinson Builders and host of local contractors to deliver this important land mark project for Darwin and the Northern Territory.
Appealing to the broader Darwin community through responsible urban planning, quality architecture and urban art initiatives, Manunda Place will be an inspiring place to meet and gather, a place to interact and work, and a place to be connected.


For all enquiries please contact:
Sandran Property Group
TG7 Energy House
18-20 Cavenagh St. Darwin NT 0800
T (08) 7999 8655